Learning Targets:
T: I think most of us must have gone for trekking or aware of it.
KR: yes ma’am/ no ma’am
T: So our first problem is with a driver who is taking a group of people for trekking and we need to help him.
T will distribute the sheet to the class.
T: Go through the sum. Read it carefully and try to help the driver. If you are not able to understand raise your hand and I will come to you. But no side conversation.
T will help the kids who are finding difficult to understand and if T finds more kids not able to understand the sum will read it loudly for the class. Also help them understand the sum.
1. A group of 32 people went for a trekking. The driver of the bus was very much concerned about the weights carried by people as he had to drive on the hills. He therefore told the every one that total weight of all the bags should not exceed 250kg. On weighing the bags individually he collected the following data: people were carrying bags each weighing 6 kg 500 g
people were carrying bags each weighing 7 kg
people were carrying bags each weighing 7kg
Do you think the group was meeting the criteria of weight as told by the driver and how much was the total weight of all the bags?
T Objective: T wants to bring the strategy of Equivalent to solve this sum.
T wants Children to convert kg to grams.
Once they are able to solve the problem T will ask any one of them to solve the sum on board. She will discuss the strategy used by the child and then ask another child to use different strategy (if any) and solve the problem.
T goes to the second sum.
T: In our second problem we have a juice vendor with his own calculation. Let’s see what does he has to share with us.
2. A juice vendor sells fresh and healthy juices in Anoushka’ society. Children in society are very fond of his juices. Usually he prepares 19 liters juice every day and sells about 400 ml in each glass. During school holidays he anticipated more people would like to have juice and decided to prepare for 75 glasses. How much more juice (in liters) did he prepare during holidays than usual days?
T objective: T wants children to do conversion.
T wants children to use estimation.
Once they are able to solve the problem T will ask any one of them to solve the sum on board. She will discuss the strategy used by the child and then ask another child to use different strategy (if any) and solve the problem.
In between T will help children who are finding it difficult to understand or startup.
Once they are done T will move to the third sum.
T: Since you all are doing so word problem for long time, I thought of getting little challenging problem for you all to solve it.
T: Go through the problem very slowly, understand it, take your time reading before starting the problem.
3. Amit Raj runs a handloom factory that makes bed-sheets. In the process to complete an order they made 1000 bed sheets and started packing them simultaneously in cartons with 24 bed sheets in each. While packing they realized that are short of 3 cartons to complete the order. How many more bed sheets do they need to complete the order? Also find the number of cartons they had to prepare to complete this order?
T objective: Bring the concept of reminder and its practical use.
Kids may not be able to use reminder sheets that are left from 1000 sheet. In that case T will help them by asking question like: what do you think are they left with any sheets when they were packing 1000 sheets, What do you think they will do with few sheets that are left from the 1000 sheet, will not they use the left sheet to fill the 3cartons?
Child comes up with the answer than ask the kid to do the sum in the blackboard. Discuss the strategy of the sum. T ask for more kids to do the sum with some other strategy.
Learning Targets:
- I can understand and solve the problem.
- I can explain the strategies used to solve the problem.Time Required- 1hr
T: I think most of us must have gone for trekking or aware of it.
KR: yes ma’am/ no ma’am
T: So our first problem is with a driver who is taking a group of people for trekking and we need to help him.
T will distribute the sheet to the class.
T: Go through the sum. Read it carefully and try to help the driver. If you are not able to understand raise your hand and I will come to you. But no side conversation.
T will help the kids who are finding difficult to understand and if T finds more kids not able to understand the sum will read it loudly for the class. Also help them understand the sum.
1. A group of 32 people went for a trekking. The driver of the bus was very much concerned about the weights carried by people as he had to drive on the hills. He therefore told the every one that total weight of all the bags should not exceed 250kg. On weighing the bags individually he collected the following data: people were carrying bags each weighing 6 kg 500 g
people were carrying bags each weighing 7 kg
people were carrying bags each weighing 7kg
Do you think the group was meeting the criteria of weight as told by the driver and how much was the total weight of all the bags?
T Objective: T wants to bring the strategy of Equivalent to solve this sum.
T wants Children to convert kg to grams.
Once they are able to solve the problem T will ask any one of them to solve the sum on board. She will discuss the strategy used by the child and then ask another child to use different strategy (if any) and solve the problem.
T goes to the second sum.
T: In our second problem we have a juice vendor with his own calculation. Let’s see what does he has to share with us.
2. A juice vendor sells fresh and healthy juices in Anoushka’ society. Children in society are very fond of his juices. Usually he prepares 19 liters juice every day and sells about 400 ml in each glass. During school holidays he anticipated more people would like to have juice and decided to prepare for 75 glasses. How much more juice (in liters) did he prepare during holidays than usual days?
T objective: T wants children to do conversion.
T wants children to use estimation.
Once they are able to solve the problem T will ask any one of them to solve the sum on board. She will discuss the strategy used by the child and then ask another child to use different strategy (if any) and solve the problem.
In between T will help children who are finding it difficult to understand or startup.
Once they are done T will move to the third sum.
T: Since you all are doing so word problem for long time, I thought of getting little challenging problem for you all to solve it.
T: Go through the problem very slowly, understand it, take your time reading before starting the problem.
3. Amit Raj runs a handloom factory that makes bed-sheets. In the process to complete an order they made 1000 bed sheets and started packing them simultaneously in cartons with 24 bed sheets in each. While packing they realized that are short of 3 cartons to complete the order. How many more bed sheets do they need to complete the order? Also find the number of cartons they had to prepare to complete this order?
T objective: Bring the concept of reminder and its practical use.
Kids may not be able to use reminder sheets that are left from 1000 sheet. In that case T will help them by asking question like: what do you think are they left with any sheets when they were packing 1000 sheets, What do you think they will do with few sheets that are left from the 1000 sheet, will not they use the left sheet to fill the 3cartons?
Child comes up with the answer than ask the kid to do the sum in the blackboard. Discuss the strategy of the sum. T ask for more kids to do the sum with some other strategy.
Long Term Learning Targets:
Connect & Set Purpose- 10 minutes
T: We see greenery all around us. What gives us this greenery?
EA: It is the trees and plants which make the world so green. The greenery comes from their leaves.
Teacher reads out a story Journey of a Leaf and shows a picture book to generate curiosity and interest to learn about leaves. After the story teacher asks the following questions on leaves to generate curiosity about leaves.
• How do we recognize a tree?
EA: through its flower, fruit, bark and leaf.
• What is the most important part of the tree that can help us identify it?
My Lesson for today: We have been doing Trees and activities related to it. Children have the basic concepts of tree. Today, I discussed the end product of Tree and did the field trip. Also did types of leave (Simple leave and compound leave)and venation.
T: Have you ever seen your name somewhere in print?
Kids gave response :mostly they told Tags few told Jersey.
T: How did you feel when you saw your name on jersey.
Kid: Nice, Happy
T: So this time we teachers of Grade V thought to make you all happy and excited to the end product of our expedition TREE.
Kids were all hooked up and waiting for me to see what exactly we are planning.
T: We will be redesigning our almanac. We will be collecting all interesting and amazing facts on trees and leaves from our Heritage Campus and will be using it for the almanac. We will be having our fact, its illustration and our NAME written at the bottom of each page. This almanac will be there with all the student of heritage for the next year.(holded one almanac and show it to them)
So this add a responsibility to all of us. We all have to be doing our observation very carefully to get facts.
Kid: We have to be focused
Kid: have to get amazing facts
T: Yes we need to observe very minutely to get good facts.
So today we will be going for the field trip but before that I need to tell you all few things.
I discussed the Challenges. Taking their responses and writing them in the blackboard.
Part 1: Field Trip (40 minutes)
A. Challenge: Observe plants and leaves and find at least one
• Leaves that are smooth to touch
• Spotted leaves
• Leaves with waxy coating
• Thick fleshy leaves
• Leaves with special smell
• Hairy leaves
They gave few more categorize of leaves and I noted them also in the blackboard.
Before going to the next challenge I distributed sheet(having the three arrangement of leaves, alternate, opposite and whorled)
T: Now our second challenge is studying the arrangement of leaves. This sheet has three different arrangements. We can go through it and then talk about them.
I gave them 1 min and they started coming up with their observation.I took all their input and slowly introduced all the three types of arrangement.
B. Studying arrangement of leaves on the stem
T: Leaves can be found arranged on stems or branches in 3 ways (singly, in pairs or in clusters). The arrangements are shown in the pictures. Look for at least 3 plants with each of these arrangements.
C. Plucking leaves for study, identifying complete leaves
T: Pluck one leaf for your crew, to take it to the class to study. For plucking a whole leaf, observe a small bud that grows between the leaf and the stem. If you pluck a leaf from this point, it will be a whole leaf.
T: We put the slide also to make them more clear about the arrangement. Now I put the slide which had axillary bud.
T: Do you know what is this(making a round around the axillary bud)
Kids came up with the answer buds.
T: why do you think it is important?
Kids :( mostly told) new flower will come, some told new leaves will come.
T: Yes but there is one more role of this bud. It helps us to identify the whole leaf. I wrote whole in the blackboard and underlined it.
I discussed whole leaf and leaf with leaflet. I drew picture to make it clear. Kids had few question which we all discussed. Now I introduces the term Axillary bud to them.
T: I had two port plant and we observed them crew wise be see the leave arrangement and Axillary buds. We also had magnify glass to observe.
They were all very exited. I took the port to each crew and we did the observation. This helped them to clearly understand how does the axillary bud looks.
We discussed about the Protocol for the field trip in brief. Ask them to take a note book to write the observation.
Field trip : We all went down and had spent ½ hr seeing leaves, their arrangement and searching Axillary bud. Kids were all involved in the observation with so many things to share and tell. We even set in the lawn and had a good discussion about what we observed.
Coming back from field trip they took 5min to settle down and then we asked them to head down and just relax and think about what all you saw.
Next class:
T: I was so proud to see you all observing in the field. You all my little scientis did great job and I am sure we must have got many observation to share.
T: Now we will be giving you more leaves to add to your leaves and that we have to short them into three group. The group can be any type Size, shape, color, arrangement any type.
We gave leaves to each crew to observe and sort them out.
PART 2: Sorting leaves and Simple/Compound Leaves (1 1/2 hour)teacher will give them different type of leaves
The teacher distributes a pack into which the leaves collected during the field trip have to be kept.
T: As a crew, observe these leaves and make 3 groups based on your observations. For example, if there are3 leaves in your packet that have wavy margin, you can put them together in one group. You can observe the shape, surface, colour, tip of the leaves and make your own groups. You have 5 minutes for this. Pl handle the leaves gently. Don’t give any criteria just give them leave and ask them to make 3group.
As students make these groups, T goes around asking students, “So why did you put these leaves together in one group?”
If students make groups of simple and compound, you can pick up the groups from there or make your own group of simple and compound leaves collecting one leaf from each crew. Appreciate what they have made and then introduce your grouping into simple and compound leave
T: I and Nishu ma’am were also trying to group these leave and we came to this grouping.( I had kept few simple leaves in one hand and few compound leaves in one hand.)
Children came with different answer and few said they were simple leave and compound leave. This is how I introduced Simple leave and compound leaves. We also used ppt for more clarity.
EA: One entire leaf: Group 1, leaf cut into smaller pieces: Group 2
T: These leaves that are whole or entire and not cut into pieces are called SIMPLE LEAVES, and these that are cut into smaller pieces are called COMPOUND LEAVES.
T: Let us study one more property of leaves. All leaves have lines that run through their surfaces. If you have with you a leaf that does not have any line, pl show it to the whole class.
To study the pattern of these leaves, we will make a leaf rubbing.
Place the leaf lower surface up and put a paper on it. Take a piece of crayon, and rub it one the paper so that the impression of the leaf appears on the page.
Demonstrate this. Let students make at least 2 leaf rubbings on their notebook.
In your leaf rubbings, you can clearly see one thick line running through the middle of the leaf. This vein is called the Mid-rib. All other veins form a net like structure. This pattern of veins is called Reticulate Venation.
The other kind of venation has lines or veins running parallel to one another. This kind of venation is called Parallel Venation. One way to distinguish between reticulate and parallel venation is reticular has mid vein and parallel does not have.
We had a good time imprinting the leaves on the paper followed by discussion about venation in different leaves.
- I can identify the trees in my school campus by observing their leaves.Supporting Targets
- I can sort a variety of leaves into two groups, simple and compound.
- I can identify the kind of venation present in a leaf.
- I can draw a well labeled diagram of a leaf.
Connect & Set Purpose- 10 minutes
T: We see greenery all around us. What gives us this greenery?
EA: It is the trees and plants which make the world so green. The greenery comes from their leaves.
Teacher reads out a story Journey of a Leaf and shows a picture book to generate curiosity and interest to learn about leaves. After the story teacher asks the following questions on leaves to generate curiosity about leaves.
• How do we recognize a tree?
EA: through its flower, fruit, bark and leaf.
• What is the most important part of the tree that can help us identify it?
My Lesson for today: We have been doing Trees and activities related to it. Children have the basic concepts of tree. Today, I discussed the end product of Tree and did the field trip. Also did types of leave (Simple leave and compound leave)and venation.
T: Have you ever seen your name somewhere in print?
Kids gave response :mostly they told Tags few told Jersey.
T: How did you feel when you saw your name on jersey.
Kid: Nice, Happy
T: So this time we teachers of Grade V thought to make you all happy and excited to the end product of our expedition TREE.
Kids were all hooked up and waiting for me to see what exactly we are planning.
T: We will be redesigning our almanac. We will be collecting all interesting and amazing facts on trees and leaves from our Heritage Campus and will be using it for the almanac. We will be having our fact, its illustration and our NAME written at the bottom of each page. This almanac will be there with all the student of heritage for the next year.(holded one almanac and show it to them)
So this add a responsibility to all of us. We all have to be doing our observation very carefully to get facts.
Kid: We have to be focused
Kid: have to get amazing facts
T: Yes we need to observe very minutely to get good facts.
So today we will be going for the field trip but before that I need to tell you all few things.
I discussed the Challenges. Taking their responses and writing them in the blackboard.
Part 1: Field Trip (40 minutes)
A. Challenge: Observe plants and leaves and find at least one
• Leaves that are smooth to touch
• Spotted leaves
• Leaves with waxy coating
• Thick fleshy leaves
• Leaves with special smell
• Hairy leaves
They gave few more categorize of leaves and I noted them also in the blackboard.
Before going to the next challenge I distributed sheet(having the three arrangement of leaves, alternate, opposite and whorled)
T: Now our second challenge is studying the arrangement of leaves. This sheet has three different arrangements. We can go through it and then talk about them.
I gave them 1 min and they started coming up with their observation.I took all their input and slowly introduced all the three types of arrangement.
B. Studying arrangement of leaves on the stem
T: Leaves can be found arranged on stems or branches in 3 ways (singly, in pairs or in clusters). The arrangements are shown in the pictures. Look for at least 3 plants with each of these arrangements.
C. Plucking leaves for study, identifying complete leaves
T: Pluck one leaf for your crew, to take it to the class to study. For plucking a whole leaf, observe a small bud that grows between the leaf and the stem. If you pluck a leaf from this point, it will be a whole leaf.
T: We put the slide also to make them more clear about the arrangement. Now I put the slide which had axillary bud.
T: Do you know what is this(making a round around the axillary bud)
Kids came up with the answer buds.
T: why do you think it is important?
Kids :( mostly told) new flower will come, some told new leaves will come.
T: Yes but there is one more role of this bud. It helps us to identify the whole leaf. I wrote whole in the blackboard and underlined it.
I discussed whole leaf and leaf with leaflet. I drew picture to make it clear. Kids had few question which we all discussed. Now I introduces the term Axillary bud to them.
T: I had two port plant and we observed them crew wise be see the leave arrangement and Axillary buds. We also had magnify glass to observe.
They were all very exited. I took the port to each crew and we did the observation. This helped them to clearly understand how does the axillary bud looks.
We discussed about the Protocol for the field trip in brief. Ask them to take a note book to write the observation.
Field trip : We all went down and had spent ½ hr seeing leaves, their arrangement and searching Axillary bud. Kids were all involved in the observation with so many things to share and tell. We even set in the lawn and had a good discussion about what we observed.
Coming back from field trip they took 5min to settle down and then we asked them to head down and just relax and think about what all you saw.
Next class:
T: I was so proud to see you all observing in the field. You all my little scientis did great job and I am sure we must have got many observation to share.
T: Now we will be giving you more leaves to add to your leaves and that we have to short them into three group. The group can be any type Size, shape, color, arrangement any type.
We gave leaves to each crew to observe and sort them out.
PART 2: Sorting leaves and Simple/Compound Leaves (1 1/2 hour)teacher will give them different type of leaves
The teacher distributes a pack into which the leaves collected during the field trip have to be kept.
T: As a crew, observe these leaves and make 3 groups based on your observations. For example, if there are3 leaves in your packet that have wavy margin, you can put them together in one group. You can observe the shape, surface, colour, tip of the leaves and make your own groups. You have 5 minutes for this. Pl handle the leaves gently. Don’t give any criteria just give them leave and ask them to make 3group.
As students make these groups, T goes around asking students, “So why did you put these leaves together in one group?”
If students make groups of simple and compound, you can pick up the groups from there or make your own group of simple and compound leaves collecting one leaf from each crew. Appreciate what they have made and then introduce your grouping into simple and compound leave
T: I and Nishu ma’am were also trying to group these leave and we came to this grouping.( I had kept few simple leaves in one hand and few compound leaves in one hand.)
Children came with different answer and few said they were simple leave and compound leave. This is how I introduced Simple leave and compound leaves. We also used ppt for more clarity.
EA: One entire leaf: Group 1, leaf cut into smaller pieces: Group 2
T: These leaves that are whole or entire and not cut into pieces are called SIMPLE LEAVES, and these that are cut into smaller pieces are called COMPOUND LEAVES.
T: Let us study one more property of leaves. All leaves have lines that run through their surfaces. If you have with you a leaf that does not have any line, pl show it to the whole class.
To study the pattern of these leaves, we will make a leaf rubbing.
Place the leaf lower surface up and put a paper on it. Take a piece of crayon, and rub it one the paper so that the impression of the leaf appears on the page.
Demonstrate this. Let students make at least 2 leaf rubbings on their notebook.
In your leaf rubbings, you can clearly see one thick line running through the middle of the leaf. This vein is called the Mid-rib. All other veins form a net like structure. This pattern of veins is called Reticulate Venation.
The other kind of venation has lines or veins running parallel to one another. This kind of venation is called Parallel Venation. One way to distinguish between reticulate and parallel venation is reticular has mid vein and parallel does not have.
We had a good time imprinting the leaves on the paper followed by discussion about venation in different leaves.